The Jeep Recon’s roof and doors will echo previous models and be removable.
This is another electric SUV, and one that pays homage to its more famous stablemate the Wrangler and, in particular, the plug-in hybrid version.
As such, the Recon, with its boxy, sturdy exterior, is recognisable as one of the Jeep breed right from the off and its all-terrain capabilities (it is, of course, four-wheel drive) are likely to be key to its appeal. The roof and doors will echo previous models and be removable.
Aside from this, details as yet are few and far between, with engine size, range, battery and price yet to be revealed by the brand. Estimates suggest a base-model price of around $60,000.
A lot of supercar manufacturers talk about producing vehicles that can be used on a day-to-day basis, but this is often something those who’ve driven would question. Koenigsegg might just be bucking the trend with the Gemera though.
It’s a four-seater supercar which, while not having the space of an SUV or microbus, does look on the accessible side. That said, it’s still absurdly fast – the car’s combination of three-cylinder engines paired with a trio of electric motors produces 1,700hp, enough grunt to see the car go from 0-100kph in under two seconds.
It’s not cheap and it won’t be commonplace, of course – only 300 are being made available and those who opt to invest can expect a price tag in the region of $1.7m.
If you hear the words “new Ford Mustang” you’re probably going to imagine a car that looks very different to what this, the latest incarnation in the decades-old series, is.
Despite a moniker dripping with machismo, the Mach-E looks as much like a roomy, high-performance European fastback as it does a standard US muscle car. This is an all-electric affair that’s looking to barge its way into the flashy and sporty end of the market.
It remains to be seen how successful Ford has been here, but the early signs seem positive. Currently, a base model Mach-E starts at just north of $40,000.
US actress and special UN envoy Angelina Jolie (L) and her husband US actor Brad Pitt attend the fourth day of the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in London on June 13, 2014. (AFP)
LOS ANGELES — Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have reached a divorce settlement, ending one of the longest and most contentious divorces in Hollywood history but not every legal issue between the two.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Scott J. Nord approved the agreement Tuesday, a day after Jolie and Pitt signed off on it.
“More than eight years ago, Angelina filed for divorce from Mr. Pitt,” Jolie’s attorney, James Simon, said in a statement. “She and the children left all of the properties they had shared with Mr. Pitt, and since that time she has focused on finding peace and healing for their family. This is just one part of a long ongoing process that started eight years ago. Frankly, Angelina is exhausted, but she is relieved this one part is over.”
The filing says they give up the right to any future spousal financial support, but gives no other details. An email to Pitt’s attorney seeking comment was not immediately answered.
Jolie, 49, and Pitt, 61, were among Hollywood’s most prominent pairings for 12 years, two of them as a married couple.
The Oscar winners have six children together.
Jolie filed for divorce in 2016, after a private jet flight from Europe during which she said Pitt physically abused her and their children. The FBI and child services officials investigated Pitt’s actions on the flight. Two months later the FBI released a statement saying it would not investigate further, and the US attorney did not bring charges.
A heavily redacted FBI report obtained by The Associated Press in 2022 said that an agent provided a probable cause statement to prosecutors on Pitt, but that after discussing the merits, “it was agreed by all parties that criminal charges would not be pursued.”
The document said Jolie was “personally conflicted” about supporting charges, and in a later court filing she said she opted not to push for them for the sake of the family.
A source familiar with the child services inquiry told the AP in 2016 that the child services investigation was closed without a finding of abuse.
A judge in 2019 declared Jolie and Pitt divorced and single, but the splitting of assets and child custody needed to be settled separately.
Both have been free to marry again since that declaration, but neither has. The marriage was the third for Jolie, who was previously married to Jonny Lee Miller and Billy Bob Thornton, and the second for Pitt, who was previously wed to Jennifer Aniston.
Soon after, a private judge that the two had hired to handle the case reached a decision that included equal custody of their children, but Jolie filed to have him removed from the case over an unreported conflict of interest.
An appeals court agreed, removing the judge and vacating his decision. The couple had to start the process over.
During the long divorce fight, four of their children became adults, negating the need for a custody agreement for them. The only minors that remain are 16-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne.
The court will maintain jurisdiction over the child custody even with the finalized agreement, as it does in all California cases. In June, one of their daughters, then known as Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, successfully petitioned to remove Pitt’s name from hers.
The couple’s use of private judges — an increasingly common move among splitting celebrities in recent years — kept the details of the divorce largely under wraps. There had been no official court actions in the case in nearly a year, and no indication that the two were near agreement.
Some elements of their disputes, however, have been revealed through a separate lawsuit filed by Pitt over Jolie’s sale of her half of a French winery they owned.
Pitt had wanted to buy her half of the winery, Chateau Miraval, and said she abandoned their negotiations and sold her part to the Tenute del Mondo wine group. Pitt said it was a “vindictive” and “unlawful” move that should not have been made without his consent and ruined a private space that had been a second home.
Jolie and her attorneys said that Pitt had demanded she sign a wide-ranging non-disclosure agreement about him as part of the proposed deal that was an attempt to cover up his abuse of her and the children.
The divorce agreement does not affect the winery lawsuit, where the legal battle between the two stars could continue.
Publicly, both Pitt and Jolie have been extremely tight-lipped on everything surrounding their split, despite robust promotional tours for various projects.
Pitt said in a 2017 interview with GQ that he had had a drinking problem at the time of the plane incident and the split, but had since become sober and was going to therapy. He has not defended his behavior on the family flight.
Both were among the most elite stars in film when they began dating in 2004, after co-starring as hitman-and-hitwoman spouses in “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” and remained atop the Hollywood A-list throughout their coupling.
The star of “Maleficent” and “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,” Jolie won an Oscar for her performance in 1999’s “Girl, Interrupted.”
Pitt, the star of “Fight Club” and “Inglourious Basterds,” thrived as both actor and producer after the split. He won his own Academy Award for 2019’s “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood,” the crowning achievement in an awards season that some in media framed as a redemption and brought major public affection for him.
Jolie kept a less visible profile in the years since the divorce, though she directed several films and appeared in several more while trying to focus on raising the children. She has very much returned to the Oscar conversation this year for her portrayal of the legendary soprano Maria Callas in “Maria.”
Angelina Jolie dan Brad Pitt capai penyelesaian perceraian selepas 8 tahun
Pelakon dan utusan khas PBB AS Angelina Jolie (kiri) dan suaminya pelakon AS Brad Pitt menghadiri hari keempat Sidang Kemuncak Global untuk Mengakhiri Keganasan Seksual dalam Konflik di London pada 13 Jun 2014. (AFP)
LOS ANGELES – Angelina Jolie dan Brad Pitt mencapai penyelesaian perceraian, menamatkan salah satu perceraian paling lama dan paling dipertikaikan dalam sejarah Hollywood tetapi bukan setiap isu undang-undang antara keduanya.
Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Los Angeles Scott J. Nord meluluskan perjanjian itu pada Selasa, sehari selepas Jolie dan Pitt menandatanganinya.
“Lebih lapan tahun lalu, Angelina memfailkan perceraian daripada Pitt,” kata peguam Jolie, James Simon, dalam satu kenyataan. “Dia dan anak-anak meninggalkan semua harta yang mereka kongsi dengan Pitt, dan sejak itu dia memberi tumpuan untuk mencari ketenangan dan penyembuhan untuk keluarga mereka. Ini hanyalah sebahagian daripada proses berterusan yang panjang yang bermula lapan tahun lalu. Terus terang, Angelina keletihan, tetapi dia lega bahagian ini telah tamat.”
Pemfailan itu mengatakan mereka melepaskan hak untuk sebarang sokongan kewangan pasangan masa depan, tetapi tidak memberikan butiran lain. E-mel kepada peguam Pitt yang meminta komen tidak segera dijawab.
Jolie, 49, dan Pitt, 61, adalah antara pasangan paling terkenal di Hollywood selama 12 tahun, kedua-duanya sebagai pasangan suami isteri.
Pemenang Oscar itu mempunyai enam anak bersama.
Jolie memfailkan perceraian pada 2016, selepas penerbangan jet peribadi dari Eropah di mana dia berkata Pitt menderanya dan anak-anak mereka secara fizikal. FBI dan pegawai perkhidmatan kanak-kanak menyiasat tindakan Pitt dalam penerbangan itu. Dua bulan kemudian FBI mengeluarkan kenyataan mengatakan ia tidak akan menyiasat lebih lanjut, dan peguam AS tidak membawa pertuduhan.
Laporan FBI yang telah banyak disunting yang diperoleh oleh The Associated Press (AP) pada 2022 mengatakan bahawa seorang ejen memberikan kenyataan sebab berkemungkinan kepada pendakwa raya mengenai Pitt, tetapi selepas membincangkan merit, “ia telah dipersetujui oleh semua pihak bahawa pertuduhan jenayah tidak akan diteruskan.”
Dokumen itu berkata Jolie “berkonflik secara peribadi” tentang menyokong pertuduhan, dan dalam pemfailan mahkamah kemudiannya dia berkata dia memilih untuk tidak mendesaknya demi kepentingan keluarga.
Sumber yang biasa dengan siasatan perkhidmatan kanak-kanak memberitahu AP pada 2016 bahawa siasatan perkhidmatan kanak-kanak telah ditutup tanpa dapatan penderaan.
Seorang hakim pada 2019 mengisytiharkan Jolie dan Pitt bercerai dan bujang, tetapi pembahagian aset dan hak penjagaan anak perlu diselesaikan secara berasingan.
Kedua-duanya telah bebas untuk berkahwin lagi sejak pengisytiharan itu, tetapi kedua-duanya tidak. Perkahwinan itu adalah yang ketiga untuk Jolie, yang sebelum ini berkahwin dengan Jonny Lee Miller dan Billy Bob Thornton, dan yang kedua untuk Pitt, yang sebelum ini berkahwin dengan Jennifer Aniston.
Tidak lama selepas itu, seorang hakim persendirian yang kedua-duanya telah diupah untuk mengendalikan kes itu mencapai keputusan yang termasuk hak penjagaan anak-anak mereka yang sama, tetapi Jolie memfailkan supaya dia dikeluarkan daripada kes itu kerana konflik kepentingan yang tidak dilaporkan.
Mahkamah rayuan bersetuju, memecat hakim dan mengosongkan keputusannya. Pasangan itu terpaksa memulakan proses itu semula.
Semasa pertelingkahan perceraian yang panjang, empat anak mereka menjadi dewasa, menafikan keperluan untuk perjanjian hak penjagaan untuk mereka. Satu-satunya kanak-kanak bawah umur yang tinggal ialah kembar Knox dan Vivienne berusia 16 tahun.
Mahkamah akan mengekalkan bidang kuasa ke atas hak penjagaan kanak-kanak walaupun dengan perjanjian yang dimuktamadkan, seperti yang berlaku dalam semua kes California. Pada Jun, salah seorang anak perempuan mereka, yang kemudiannya dikenali sebagai Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, berjaya membuat petisyen untuk mengeluarkan nama Pitt daripada namanya.
Penggunaan hakim persendirian pasangan itu – langkah yang semakin biasa dalam kalangan selebriti yang berpecah dalam beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini – merahsiakan butiran perceraian itu. Tiada tindakan mahkamah rasmi dalam kes itu dalam hampir setahun, dan tiada petunjuk bahawa kedua-duanya hampir bersetuju.
Beberapa elemen pertikaian mereka, bagaimanapun, telah didedahkan melalui tuntutan mahkamah berasingan yang difailkan oleh Pitt atas penjualan Jolie ke atas separuh daripada kilang wain Perancis yang mereka miliki.
Pitt ingin membeli separuh daripada kilang wainnya, Chateau Miraval, dan dia berkata dia telah meninggalkan rundingan mereka dan menjual bahagiannya kepada kumpulan wain Tenute del Mondo. Pitt berkata ia adalah tindakan “pendendam” dan “melanggar undang-undang” yang tidak sepatutnya dibuat tanpa persetujuannya dan merosakkan ruang peribadi yang telah menjadi rumah kedua.
Jolie dan peguamnya berkata bahawa Pitt telah menuntut dia menandatangani perjanjian tidak mendedahkan secara meluas mengenainya sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian yang dicadangkan yang merupakan percubaan untuk menutup penderaan terhadapnya dan anak-anak.
Perjanjian perceraian itu tidak menjejaskan tuntutan mahkamah berkenaan kilang wain, di mana pertikaian undang-undang antara kedua-dua bintang itu boleh diteruskan.
Secara umum, kedua-dua Pitt dan Jolie telah sangat menutup mulut tentang segala-galanya yang mengelilingi perpecahan mereka, walaupun lawatan promosi yang mantap untuk pelbagai projek.
Pitt berkata dalam temu bual 2017 dengan GQ bahawa dia mempunyai masalah minum pada masa kejadian pesawat dan perpecahan, tetapi sejak itu menjadi sedar dan akan menjalani terapi. Dia tidak mempertahankan tingkah lakunya dalam penerbangan keluarga.
Kedua-duanya adalah antara bintang paling elit dalam filem apabila mereka mula berkencan pada 2004, selepas membintangi bersama sebagai pasangan hitman-and-hitwoman dalam “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” dan kekal di atas senarai A Hollywood sepanjang gandingan mereka.
Bintang “Maleficent” dan “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,” Jolie memenangi Oscar untuk persembahannya dalam “Girl, Interrupted” 1999.
Pitt, bintang “Fight Club” dan “Inglourious Basterds,” berkembang maju sebagai pelakon dan penerbit selepas perpisahan. Dia memenangi Anugerah Akademinya sendiri untuk “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood” 2019, pencapaian tertinggi dalam musim anugerah yang dirangka oleh beberapa media sebagai penebusan dan membawa kasih sayang orang ramai kepadanya.
Jolie mengekalkan profil yang kurang kelihatan pada tahun-tahun sejak perceraian, walaupun dia mengarahkan beberapa filem dan muncul dalam beberapa lagi sambil cuba memberi tumpuan kepada membesarkan anak-anak. Dia telah kembali ke perbualan Oscar tahun ini untuk penggambarannya tentang soprano legenda Maria Callas dalam “Maria.”
Sultani Restaurant and Lounge, located in the As-Salamah district on Sari Road in Jeddah, specializes in traditional Iranian cuisine served in a contemporary setting.
On arrival, diners enter a plant-filled space that evokes the charm of a garden.
Persian-inspired elements further enrich the decor, adding authenticity to the modern design.
The menu showcases the rich flavors of Persian cuisine. Appetizers include zeytoon parvardeh, a mix of green olives, garlic, pomegranate molasses, and walnuts; and sabzi khordan, an assortment of fresh herbs, feta cheese, and radish. Both offer refreshing and savory flavors.
Kashk-o bademjan, made with Persian whey and aubergine, is another sumptuous option, with a comforting, creamy taste.
Sultani’s soup e-jo, a thick barley cream soup, provides warmth and richness, while the chicken soup with potatoes, a traditional Persian comfort food, is rich in flavor.
Moving to the main courses, ghormeh sabzi, a lamb stew made with dried herbs, red beans, and dried lime, delivers tangy and savory richness. Another standout is chicken fesenjan, a tender chicken leg cooked in a pomegranate and walnut sauce, combining sweet and juicy elements in perfect balance.
Seafood lovers can enjoy dishes such as jumbo grilled shrimp and grilled seabass, both marinated in sweet paprika, garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice.
For a larger meal, the royal seafood platter includes seabass fillets and jumbo shrimp, and is ideal for sharing.
The restaurant’s kebabs are a favorite. The kabab kubideh, made with minced lamb kafta, and kabab barg, a marinated beef tenderloin, are both perfectly grilled and full of flavor.
The jujeh kabab, a boneless chicken skewer marinated with yogurt, saffron, and lemon juice, is also a must-try. Try pairing your meal with Persian-style laban or tea, both traditional drinks.
Sultani’s delicious dessert options include fereni, a creamy rice flour pudding flavored with cardamom, rose water, and cinnamon, and faloodeh, a refreshing Persian cold dessert made with lime, rose water, and rice noodles. The ranginak, a date and pistachio pie with cinnamon and butter, is also a sweet ending to a meal.
Whether you are in the mood for a quiet meal or a special celebration, Sultani provides a memorable experience with each dish, making it a must-visit for food lovers in the area.
Al-Ibrahim relied on AI to generate the imagery for this art exhibition. She described the process as a challenge as AI databases are not fully versed with data from the Arab world.
Saudi producer Farah Al-Ibrahim’s new digital art show “Pearls of emotions” is set to premiere at the Theater of Digital Art in Dubai on Dec. 2.
Presented by her production company Artellosa, Al-Ibrahim told Arab News she hopes this show, which explores the rich history of pearl diving in the Gulf, resonates with viewers and offers them a new perspective on the region and its culture.
“I feel it’s in my DNA to talk about pearls and our relationship to the sea. But knowing this culture and keeping it in our hearts is not enough. We need to preserve it and reflect it to international audiences,” she said.
The desire to engage a diverse audience is a key driving force behind the experience, as “Pearls of Emotion” features a unique musical score that fuses traditional Gulf melodies with contemporary sounds in order to appeal to visitors from around the globe, as well as younger generations seeking a fresh take on the exploration of Gulf heritage.
“A lot of people think our civilization started when oil money entered the region. This is not correct, we have the need and duty to change that perspective and reflect the beauty and richness of our culture,” Al-Ibrahim explained.
“Pearls of emotions” tells the story of a bride who says goodbye to her husband days after their marriage as he embarks on a pearl diving journey, explained Al-Ibrahim.
“The show has seven parts, each one talks about a certain emotion such as love, resilience, strength, pride and so on,” she added.
“Pearls of emotions” tells the story of a bride who says goodbye to her husband days after their marriage as he embarks on a pearl diving journey, explained Al-Ibrahim.
The show offers a 360° immersive journey back in time at TODA, a 1,800-square-metre immersive art space located in Souk Madinat Jumeirah.
Al-Ibrahim relied on AI to generate the imagery for this art exhibition. She described the process as a challenge as AI databases are not fully versed with data from the Arab world.
By talking to her family, who have a long history in the trade, Al-Ibrahim was able to collect information on what ships, sailors and diving experiences looked and felt like so she could feed it to AI programs and generate a depiction of these stories.
“It’s very important to have these stories documented, even if it’s AI,” she said.
The McLaren W1 has the brand’s famed anhedral doors, which open upwards.
McLaren has introduced the W1, a 1,275hp plug-in hybrid that aims to build on the legacy of the Ultimate Series, also known as the 1 Series. Previous flagship models, designed to showcase the pinnacle of McLaren’s technology and design – so-called halo cars – include the F1, which arrived three decades ago and was once the fastest production car in the world, followed by the now 12-year-old McLaren P1.
The W1 takes the P1’s place at the top of the Ultimate Series. Although it is just being revealed to the public, potential customers were given an early preview. Only 399 units will be produced, and all have already been ordered.
The performance statistics are staggering: the W1 accelerates from 0 to 100kph in 2.7 seconds, reaching 200kph in 5.8 seconds and 300kph in 12.7 seconds. This makes it McLaren’s fastest-accelerating and road-legal vehicle in history.
The W1 has a cockpit feel, with the start/stop button, gear selection, race mode switches and window controls all overhead.
The W1 is powered by a new 4.0-litre twin-turbo V8 engine paired with a hybrid system, making it distinct from McLaren’s Artura hybrid V6 or the 750S’s V8. Weighing in at just under 1.4 tonnes, the manufacturer says it has an unmatched power-to-weight ratio of 911PS per tonne, the highest of any McLaren.
All this power is sent to the rear wheels, as McLaren opted not to include the front-wheel drive assistance many of its competitors have integrated. The aim is to offer an exhilarating driving experience but with that much power, the 399 fortunate owners will need skill behind the wheel.
“We are again pushing the boundaries of real supercar performance with an epic hybrid powertrain,” said McLaren Automotive chief executive Michael Leiters. “This allows us to engineer a supreme track driving experience from the same car that gives unparalleled driving enjoyment on the road.”
The W1 introduces several firsts for a road-legal McLaren, including an Active Long Tail rear wing, which extends by 300mm.
In terms of aerodynamics, the W1 introduces several firsts for a road-legal McLaren, including an Active Long Tail rear wing, which extends by 300mm. Multiple patents have been filed for the car’s aerodynamic innovations. This is typical for “halo” cars, which showcase a brand’s technological and design capabilities. McLaren is also demonstrating lessons learned from Formula One racing, as the engineering team behind the W1 has contributed to 16 McLaren Formula One World Championship titles in both driver and constructor categories.
Despite being sold out the car is officially launching on Sunday, which is a significant date for the manufacturer. Fifty years ago to the day, McLaren won the Constructors’ Championship with drivers Emerson Fittipaldi, Denny Hulme, and Mike Hailwood. History may be set to repeat itself as McLaren currently leads this season’s constructors’ standings with six races left, with what promises to be a thrilling conclusion in Abu Dhabi.
McLaren is known for its dramatic designs, both inside and out. Photo: McLaren
McLaren is known for its dramatic designs, both inside and out, and the W1 is no exception. Its signature anhedral doors open upward, revealing roof recesses and lower front openings that make cabin access easier. The interior is spacious and the lightweight philosophy extends even to the sun visors, which are just 3mm thick and made from carbon fibre. Adding to the cockpit feel, the start/stop button, gear selection, race mode switches and window controls are all overhead. But don’t worry – amid all the performance there’s still room for a cupholder.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah deputy leader Sheikh Naim Qassem attends a memorial service in Beirut’s southern suburbs, Lebanon, July 10, 2024. REUTERS
BEIRUT — Hezbollah’s deputy secretary general Sheikh Naim Qassem, who said on Tuesday that the armed group supported efforts to reach a ceasefire for Lebanon, has been a senior figure in the Iran-backed movement for more than 30 years.
Speaking in front of curtains from an undisclosed location, Qassem said the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel was a war about who cries first, and Hezbollah would not cry first. The group’s capabilities were intact despite “painful blows” from Israel.
But he added the group supported the efforts of parliament speaker Nabih Berri – a Hezbollah ally – to secure a ceasefire, for the first time omitting any mention of a Gaza truce deal, opens new tab as a pre-condition for halting the group’s fire on Israel.
His 30-minute televised address comes just days after senior Hezbollah figure Hashem Safieddine is thought to have been the target of an Israeli strike and 11 days after the killing of Hezbollah’s secretary general Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.
Qassem was appointed deputy chief in 1991 by the armed group’s then-secretary general Abbas al-Musawi, who was killed by an Israeli helicopter attack the following year.
Qassem remained in his role when Nasrallah became leader, and has long been one of Hezbollah’s leading spokesmen, conducting interviews with foreign media including as cross-border hostilities with Israel raged over the last year. Qassem’s televised address on Tuesday was his second since hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah intensified in September.
He was the first member of Hezbollah’s top leadership to make televised remarks after Nasrallah’s killing in an Israeli air attack on Beirut’s southern suburbs on Sept. 27.
Speaking on Sept. 30, Qassem said Hezbollah would choose a successor to its slain secretary general “at the earliest opportunity” and would continue to fight Israel in solidarity with Palestinians.
“What we are doing is the bare minimum… We know that the battle may be long,” he said in a 19-minute speech.
Born in 1953 in Beirut to a family from Lebanon’s south, Qassem’s political activism began with the Lebanese Shi’ite Amal Movement. He left the group in 1979 in the wake of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, which shaped the political thinking of many young Lebanese Shi’ite activists.
Qassem took part in meetings that led to the formation of Hezbollah, established with the backing of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in response to the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982.
He has been the general coordinator of Hezbollah’s parliamentary election campaigns since the group first contested them in 1992.
In 2005, he wrote a history of Hezbollah seen as a rare “insider’s look” into the organisation. Qassem wears a white turban unlike Nasrallah and Safieddine, whose black turbans denoted their status as descendants of the Prophet Muhammad.
DUBAI — Lebanese TV host Diala Makki took to social media with a heartfelt message as she was spotted at Paris Fashion Week along with US Egyptian model Sandra Shehab.
The pair attended Lebanese designer Elie Saab’s Spring/Summer 2025 show separately, with Makki taking to Instagram afterwards to share a message about the current Israeli bombardment of Lebanon, which has killed more that 1,000 people over the past two weeks.
“I am a journalist yet I stare at a blank page and I am unable to write one coherent sentence. I have mixed emotions, I am sad, broken, angry but mostly broken hearted. I was in Paris filming with a Lebanese team who showed up every day with teary eyes and a heavy soul. Their strength was inspiring,” she wrote.
“I interviewed creative designers who refused to give up on the dream that there is a light at the end of the endless tunnel of darkness and uncertainty … all I want to say to my people is be strong, the world is watching us, God is protecting us … I pray for my south, my Beirut, every corner of my Lebanon,” she added.
Lebanese TV host Diala Makki at the Elie Saab show. (Getty Images)
Shehab also attended Saab’s show, for her part she showed off an all-black look, complete with a trench coat.
The New Jersey native came into the limelight in 2018 after appearing in Season 24 of “America’s Next Top Model.” Although she was eliminated in episode eight, coming in 8th place, she scored fans on social media for her portrayal of Muslim women on screen.
Sandra Shehab attended Saab’s show, for her part she showed off an all-black look, complete with a trench coat.(Getty Images)
Saab unveiled his spring collection on Saturday at the Palais de Tokyo, showcasing a mesmerizing journey through the African savannah that felt fresh, vibrant, and completely devoid of tired clichés, according to the Associated Press’s Thomas Adamson.
Right from the start, Saab showed he wasn’t afraid to play with the safari staples—but with a twist. Safari suits, reimagined as roomy linen separates and sleek crepe jumpsuits, traded their usual khaki for the blazing red of fireball lilies, moody elephant gray, and the ochre dust of West Africa. It was a palette that brought the raw, natural beauty of the continent to life without falling into the predictable tropes. These looks weren’t the romanticized garb of the intrepid explorer; they were effortlessly chic, perfectly fitted for today’s cosmopolitan adventurer.
Star Wars Outlaws’ delivers an immersive crime-driven narrative that fans have long awaited.
LONDON — Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws presents an ambitious entry in the Star Wars gaming universe as the first-ever open-world instalment, set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
This game delivers an immersive crime-driven narrative that fans have long awaited, blending the familiar allure of Star Wars with gameplay mechanics reminiscent of Far Cry and Grand Theft Auto. But does it live up to the galaxy-sized expectations? Let us dive in.
The game transports players to a vibrant, morally grey underworld that feels like a perfect fit for its “original scoundrel story.” Set during the dark times of the Galactic Empire’s reign, players control Kay Vess, a resourceful outlaw who navigates the dangerous landscape of crime syndicates, shifting alliances, and backstabbing enemies.
The central narrative takes place on planets like Canto, with Kay caught between the Empire and the criminal underworld. Star Wars lore weaves seamlessly into the experience, as conversations with non-player characters and your adorable companion, Nix, help flesh out the galaxy and its struggles.
The world-building is a strong point here. Kay’s story encourages players to explore the Star Wars galaxy from a new perspective, absent of the high politics and philosophy of the Jedi. Conversations and side quests emphasize trust and reputation, providing players the freedom to “play the underworld to their advantage” and manipulate situations.
Side quests, however, tend to fall into the familiar territory of fetch tasks, limiting their creativity, but they do provide extra opportunities to engage with the game’s rich environments.
If you have ever wondered what Grand Theft Auto in space would feel like, Star Wars Outlaws gets pretty close. There is a wanted system that escalates based on your actions, adding tension to missions as you are pursued by law enforcement or bounty hunters.
The addition of slow-motion shooting mechanics adds flair, letting players make quick decisions in high-intensity moments. Combat feels satisfying, though not revolutionary, and can occasionally feel repetitive, especially when coupled with enemy artificial intelligence that does not always present a significant challenge.
Where the game shines are in its traversal mechanics. Kay’s grappling hook, stealth missions, and use of vents (which admittedly feel overused at times) allow her to sneak through the environment, offering a variety of ways to approach objectives.
There is an undeniable rush from slowing down time in mid-air during combat, but the over-reliance on certain movement tactics, like jumping and climbing, can make the gameplay feel a bit predictable.
Vehicles such as Kay’s Trailblazer spaceship and her customizable speeder bike help flesh out the Star Wars experience. While upgrades to the bike provide some sense of progression, it is the exploration aspect — flying to different planets, speeding through landscapes — that evokes the most excitement.
The inclusion of side activities, like changing music on a jukebox, learning a card game, or playing an arcade game, adds to the immersion and keeps things light when you want a break from the main story.
One glaring issue lies with the game’s technical performance. Glitches, like floating stormtroopers and awkward animations, break immersion at times. While Ubisoft is known for polishing its games post-launch, these bugs can pull players out of an otherwise engaging world.
Another point of contention is the enemy AI, which can feel lackluster. Too often, enemies fail to present a strategic challenge, relying more on brute force than intelligent tactics. This can make some combat scenarios feel repetitive.
Star Wars Outlaws is an impressive open-world experiment in the Star Wars universe. The narrative is compelling, the world immersive, and the core mechanics — while not perfect — offer enough to keep players engaged.
However, a lack of variety in missions, occasional bugs, and underwhelming enemy AI keep it from being a true standout. With a bit more refinement, this could be the definitive Star Wars game for fans of open-world exploration.
For now, it is a solid adventure with potential for more.
DUBAI — It began as a niche offering, but Japanese cuisine has become a captivating choice for food enthusiasts in the Gulf.
Carole Moawad, Dubai-based founder of restaurant Uchi in the UAE and dessert ice cream spot M’oishi in Saudi Arabia, has been at the forefront of its growth.
With a passion for both Japanese cuisine and hospitality, Moawad has helped introduce the country’s delicate flavors to a new audience.
Carole Moawad is a Dubai-based founder of restaurant Uchi in the UAE and dessert ice cream spot M’oishi in Saudi Arabia.
Reflecting on the evolution of the region’s appetite for Japanese food, Moawad told Arab News: “Initially, it was a niche market primarily appealing to expatriates and adventurous locals. However, as curiosity about diverse culinary experiences grew, Japanese food gained widespread popularity.”
She believes Japanese cuisine resonates with people in the region due to its emphasis on freshness, quality and presentation. “The growing health consciousness among consumers also plays a significant role, as many Japanese dishes are lighter and focus on natural flavors,” she said.
M’oishi, her Saudi Arabian venture, has been met with enthusiastic demand: “We’ve opened three M’oishi shops in Riyadh, and the mango and coconut mochi ice cream flavors have become our bestsellers,” she said.
The brand has also tapped into a craving for on-trend drinks, with bubble tea becoming a customer favorite.
Importing fresh ingredients from Japan is particularly important.
“For Uchi, for example, we make sure to import fresh ingredients from Japan weekly, especially the seafood,” she told Arab News. “For M’oishi, we import the mochi rice powder, matcha powder, yuzu, etc. on a quarterly basis which make it easier to manage.”
The restauranteur emphasized the importance of adaptability and strong team building, which have been key during her journey.
“The restaurant industry is constantly evolving, and being open to change has allowed us to innovate and grow,” she said.
“The response to mochi ice cream has been overwhelmingly positive, and we see potential for growth through partnerships and different locations within the Kingdom.”
Actress Meryl Streep reacts during the opening ceremony and the screening of the film “Le deuxieme acte” (The Second Act) Out of competition at the 77th Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France, May 14, 2024. REUTERS/Yara Nardi/File Photo
UNITED NATIONS, Sept 23 (Reuters) — A female cat has more freedom in Afghanistan than a woman does, Hollywood actor Meryl Streep said at the United Nations on Monday in a bid to get world leaders to focus on the plight of Afghan women and girls.
“The way that … this society has been upended is a cautionary tale for the rest of the world,” Streep told an event on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly to encourage the inclusion of women in the future of Afghanistan.
The Taliban seized power in August 2021 when U.S.-led forces withdrew after 20 years of war. The U.N. has sought a unified global approach to dealing with the Taliban, who have cracked down on women’s rights.
Most girls have been barred from high school and women from universities by the Taliban. The group has closed beauty salons and curtailed travel for women without a male guardian.
“Today in Kabul a female cat has more freedoms than a woman. A cat may go sit on her front stoop and feel the sun on her face. She may chase a squirrel into the park.
A squirrel has more rights than a girl in Afghanistan today, because the public parks have been closed to women and girls,” Streep said.
“A bird may sing in Kabul, but a girl may not and a woman may not in public. This is extraordinary,” she said.
The Taliban say they respect rights in line with their interpretation of Islamic law.
The group formally codified a long set of rules governing morality last month that were based on a decree by the Taliban’s supreme spiritual leader in 2022 and will be enforced by the morality ministry.
“Without educated women, without women in employment, including in leadership roles, and without recognizing the rights and freedoms of one-half of its population, Afghanistan will never take its rightful place on the global stage,” U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the event
Bruna Biancari promoted Saudi perfume brand Ibrahim Al-Qurashi this weekend.
DUBAI — From Georgina Rodriguez to Bruna Biancardi, the partners of Saudi Pro League football players are forging links with fashion and fragrance labels in Saudi Arabia.
Brazilian influencer and model Biancardi unveiled a campaign with Saudi perfume label Ibrahim Al-Qurashi over the Saudi National Day weekend.
The mother-of-one stars in the advert alongside her soccer superstar partner Neymar, who is seen sporting a crisp white thobe in the images and short video clip.
Meanwhile, Rodriguez, who now calls Riyadh home, is the partner of soccer icon and Al-Nassr player Cristiano Ronaldo. She is often spotted out and about in the Saudi capital and previously starred in a campaign for Saudi perfume label Laverne, in addition to attending launch events hosted by the luxury brand.
Known for her fashion sense, the Argentine model also posed in a sleek dress by Saudi designer Yousef Akbar in shoot for Hia Magazine in May. The look featured asymmetrical sleeves with a triangular neckline and high slit.
Georgina Rodriguez posed for Hia Magazine in a dress by Saudi designer Yousef Akbar this summer. (Hia Magazine/ Esra Sam)
Season three of Rodriguez’s reality TV show “I Am Georgina” hit Netflix on Sept. 18, with fans offered a sneak peek inside the power couple’s life in Saudi Arabia. We see Rodriguez and her family – including the couple’s children and her stepson Cristiano Jr. – at the St. Regis Red Sea Resort in Saudi Arabia, as well as at their home in Riyadh.
The model is known for highlighting Saudi Arabia’s touristic appeal with her 63 million Instagram followers and recently took to the social media platform to reshare a video clip by Visit Saudi, captioning it: “This is real, this is Saudi Arabia.”
The video captures the diverse landscapes of Saudi Arabia, showcasing everything from the desert areas to the country’s seascapes. It highlights the Kingdom’s history and modern developments, featuring scenes of golden sand dunes, the Ithra cultural center, the ancient site of AlUla, the mirrored Maraya concert hall, the Red Sea and lush greenery in gardens and forests.
Rodriguez has been living in Saudi Arabia since January 2023 and has made a point of exploring the Kingdom, with trips to the Red Sea coast and her evenings out in Riyadh being showcased on her Instagram account.
The Porsche V8 Cayenne S Coupe has had a facelift but remains a marquee model for the manufacturer. Porsche Middle EastPorsche Cayenne Third Generation facelift. Photo: Porsche Middle EastThe Porsche Cayenne interior.
DUBAI — Saudi Arabia-based fashion influencer Tamaraah Al-Gabbani talks style moments, fashion trends, and good and bad advice.
Best TV show or film you’ve ever seen?
My favorite show is “This is Us.” I loved it. It was a very realistic depiction of a modern family. I do not think I have ever cried so much as I have watching that show. I also felt really connected to all the characters and, over time, you become very attached to them and the outcome. I highly recommend it.
My favorite movie is probably “The Usual Suspects.” It’s the only movie I’ve ever watched that completely threw me off regarding the end. It’s very intelligently put together. I really love that. And then I also love the whole “Game of Thrones,” “House of the Dragon,” “Lord of the Rings,” series and movies.
Any horror thing. I can’t watch it. I can’t watch anything negative in general.
Best personal style moment so far?
My Atlantis The Royal opening looks. I did a few. The red-carpet look was one of my favorite ever. Also, this year’s Dubai World Cup look was actually covered by CNN. So those are probably my favorite style moments.
Elevated activewear. Like, wearing your yoga outfit with a pair of heels. As creative as I am, and as much as I like to break boundaries, I just can’t seem to like this trend.
Best advice you’ve ever been given?
‘Be a blessing.’ During COVID-19, I did a lot of Tony Robbins courses. They were life -changing. This is one of the mission statements he lives by. I found it so inspiring; it really resonated with me. I want to leave this life knowing that I did my best.
That I shouldn’t work in fashion and that fashion isn’t for me.
Best thing to do when you’re feeling low?
Move your body. That came from a Tony Robbins course. He said whenever you’re not feeling good, move your body. And since I started doing that, I’ve been able to regulate my emotions much better.
Be around negative people, or people that complain or gossip about other people.
Best holiday destination?
I love winter holiday destinations. So, snow and skiing. Like Courchevel 1850 in France, for example.
Worst holiday destination?
I’m not really a beach person, so it would be an island holiday where there’s nothing to do but lay on a beach. I like to move.
Best thing to do to ensure you have a productive day?
Get up early, get some sunlight and move my body. I usually wake up between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. and then I go to ballet, which I do about five times a week first thing in the morning.
Worst thing to do when you’re trying to have a productive day?
Be sedentary. Do not sit still if you’re trying to be productive.
Best concert you’ve ever been to?
The best concert I have ever been to would be Guns N’ Roses. I went backstage to meet Axl Rose afterwards. It was like a high point in life, and I went with my best friend at the time, and it was her dream. So, I did everything to make it come true. And obviously her happiness made me happy, and it’s an amazing memory that we have together. Another great concert was Prince at Yas Island in Abu Dhabi.
Camila Cabello dazzled in a breathtaking gown by Lebanese-Italian designer Tony Ward. (AFP)
DUBAI — American singer-songwriter Camila Cabello made waves at the MTV Video Music Awards when she dazzled in a breathtaking gown by Lebanese-Italian designer Tony Ward.
The dress featured a black lace design adorned with intricate embroidery that flowed across sheer fabric, with a fitted silhouette and semi-transparent sleeves. She completed the ensemble with a dramatic black lace veil.
Meanwhile, pop icon Taylor Swift dominated the night, taking home seven trophies. The accolades put her on level terms with Beyonce as most-awarded musician in the VMAs’ 40-year history.
Swift snagged the top honor, Video of the Year, for the bleak black and white “Fortnight,” featuring Post Malone. “Good Luck, Babe” singer Chappell Roan was named best new artist.
Blackpink singer Lisa won best K-pop video for her solo hit “Rockstar, while South African artist Tyla claimed the Afrobeats award for “Water” and Brazilian singer Anitta snagged best Latin video for “Mil Veces.”
The show opened with rapper Eminem performing “Houdini” from his album, “The Death of Slim Shady.” He was then joined via video feed by country singer Jelly Roll for their hit “Somebody Save Me.”
Katy Perry, recipient of the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, wore enormous silver butterfly wings as she sang hits such as “Teenage Dream” and “Firework” on a futuristic set.
Mosquito bites not only make you itchy and are annoying, but can also give you serious diseases such as Dengue, Zika, Japanese encephalitis and Malaria. You need to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from mosquito bites.
Why are you a mosquito magnet?
Some people are indeed more prone to mosquito bites than others. One of the factors known to date is high body temperature. People who drink alcohol, pregnant women and children are more likely to lure mosquitoes due to their higher body temperatures. Other factors include sweat, genetic factors, skin microbiota and body odour.
Some factors cannot be changed and it’s difficult to do anything about it, but it is important to know the habits of mosquitoes and take smart measures to avoid mosquito bites.
1. Wash your feet every day.
Mosquito-bite-prone people have a certain odour on their feet. The odour is caused by the decomposition of sweat and sebum by the person’s specific skin flora.
Wash feet well with soap every day and occasionally disinfecting feet with alcohol. Change socks frequently to keep feet dry. It is also important to dry the shoes well, as those bacteria can multiply if the inside of the shoe is not dry
2. Keep your property dry
Empty, turn over, cover, or throw out any items that hold water like buckets, planters, toys or trash containers to remove mosquito eggs and larvae. Eliminate as many dark and humid places as possible, which mosquitoes love.
3. Wipe sweat off frequently
Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of sweat. When you sweat, wipe it off frequently with a towel or shower off and keep yourself clean and dry all the time.
4. Use insect repellents that contain DEET or picaridin
Repellents containing DEET and picaridin are the safest and most effective. DEET can generally be used from six months of age and older, and the higher the concentration, the longer it acts. Picaridin can be used at any age. However, always do follow instructions on the label.
Natural or homemade repellents are not recommended due to their limited effectiveness.
If you’re also wearing sunscreen, apply the sunscreen first, then the insect repellent. Spraying repellent to clothes also helps as they can mask the smell of our sweat.
5. Stay close to a fan
Mosquitoes cannot fly well when there’s wind and fan’s wind will disperse those attractants coming from our body, such as carbon dioxide (as we breath), or body odour.
6. Cover your skin with loose-fitting, light-coloured clothes
Mosquitoes can bite through tight clothing like yoga pants. Colour also matters. Choose light-coloured clothing as mosquitoes tend to prefer darker, blackish colours that can be clearly identified by their eyes.
7. Take extra caution when mosquitoes are active
During the day, mosquitoes hide in grass and under trees and become active when the sun begins to set. They are most active from dusk to dawn. Be extra careful when going out during this time and stay away from grassy areas. Family Medical Practice
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Musician Ghaliaa Chaker has become a social media sensation, with 437,000 followers on Instagram and millions of views on her YouTube channel. (AFP)
DUBAI — In a Dubai recording studio, hijab-clad Ghaliaa Chaker tunes her guitar and belts out original songs as she builds a career that is turning heads for more than just her music.
The 26-year-old Syrian, raised in the UAE, has become a social media sensation, with 437,000 followers on Instagram and millions of views on her YouTube channel.
She offers not only a unique sound but also an unusual look in a region where artists who wear the hijab, the head covering characteristic of Muslim women, are few and far between.
“I hope that I have paved the way for other” hijabi singers, Chaker said at the studio.
“It is a very beautiful thing to know that you have … given a push to a girl who has many dreams and is unable to achieve them because she has never seen another girl do the same thing.”
Chaker, a keen motorbike rider who is part of an all-hijabi biker squad in Dubai, began composing and writing lyrics at 16.
She drew inspiration from Nedaa Shrara, a veiled Jordanian singer who won “The Voice,” the Arabic version of the popular TV talent show, in 2015.
Shrara had stirred controversy among Arab fans who were not accustomed to seeing a singer wearing the head covering.
But for Chaker, who says she often receives criticism online, Shrara was a symbol of “self-confidence.”
After seeing her, “I said to myself that I can do it too,” Chaker said.
Chaker’s first song, composed in English, was picked up by Dubai radio stations in 2018, marking the start of her musical career.
She now sings mainly in Arabic, at a time when the regional music scene is witnessing the rise of young talents with innovative sounds.
The green-eyed singer said the headscarf has never been an obstacle. “There is nothing I have wanted to do and not done because I wear the veil,” Chaker said.
However, the issue of women singing has always been controversial in conservative Islamic societies.
Although the Qur’an does not explicitly prohibit singing, or ban women from performing music, some religious scholars frown upon the idea, viewing it as immodest.
Chaker said her immediate family has always supported her, but relatives in Syria were “very surprised at first,” mainly because they feared how people would react.
She said she receives a lot of “negative comments” on social media, including from family and friends.
“It bothers me of course, but I try to remember the positive comments and how much people love my music,” she said.
Chaker traces her artistic influences to her early upbringing in Al-Ain, a former desert oasis and now a city in Abu Dhabi, one of the UAE’s seven sheikhdoms.
At home, her father blasted Arab singers such as Fairouz, an iconic Lebanese singer, and Egyptian diva Umm Kalthoum. Chaker’s mother preferred Western music, including Elvis Presley.
“The music mixture in the house was always rich,” she said, influencing her sound, which she describes as a mix of R&B, hip-hop, electro-pop, indie and jazz.
A multi-instrumentalist, Chaker credits her father with her love of the drums, guitar, and piano, all of which she plays.
She said that instead of gifting her toys as a child, he would buy her new instruments.
The Middle Eastern darbuka drum is “the closest to my heart because I often played it with my father, who loves it very much, and it is the basis of oriental rhythm,” she said.
In addition to Arabic and English, Chaker sometimes sings in Turkish, Armenian, and Persian.
The singer, who performed in the Lebanese capital Beirut in August, said she wants to take her music beyond the Middle East.
“It is vital to me that my music is heard in Europe, in America, in Australia, in the whole world, maybe even in Latin America,” she said, adding that she aspires to “collaborate with many artists from different countries.”
“It is time for the Western world to know how beautiful our music is.”
Al-Nassr superstar Ronaldo calls the Red Sea his ‘second home.’ Above, Ronaldo with his family in the tourist spot Red Sea. (Instagram: @georginagio)
DUBAI — Portuguese football star Ronaldo, who plays for Al-Nassr, said that it was easy for him and his family adapting to Saudi Arabia after signing with the Saudi football club to a two-and-a-half-year contract.
“To be honest, I am really happy to be there [Saudi Arabia],” Ronaldo said in an interview former Portuguese footballer, Rio Ferdinand.
“For me the adaptation was easy, and I really love it to be there,” he said. “It is a lovely country; I love to be there; my family loves to be there.”
Ronaldo was one of the first top-name recruits to the Saudi Pro League at the start of 2023, which paved the way for entry of other big-league players from Europe.
The five-time Ballon d’Or winner began his club career with Portuguese side Sporting CP before joining Manchester United in 2003. Ronaldo moved to Spanish La Liga giants Real Madrid after six seasons at United. He then played for two years with Juventus before making a return to the Red Devils in 2021 where he played until 2023, before departing for the Saudi Pro League.
Ronaldo became the first man to score 900 career goals after tapping in the ball at the 34th minute of Portugal’s UEFA Nations League group stage match against Croatia in Lisbon, which they won 2-1.
The Portuguese football star called Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea his “second house,” adding that he loves to spend time there with his family.
“The Red Sea which is my second home or [even my] first home is unbelievable like a diamond,” he said, adding that it is “one of the most beautiful places” he has ever been to.
Ronaldo also spoke on AlUla, an increasingly famous tourist spot in Saudi Arabia’s northwest located near two oases, Khaybar and Tayma.
“It is beautiful because it is spiritual, you can feel the energy there. I felt it as well, to be honest,” the Portuguese star said.
“Even in the mountains they have snow. People in Saudi [Arabia]? Yes, they have snow. They have everything, so it is a lovely country.”
Above, Ronaldo and his partner Georgina Rodriguez explore AlUla. (Instagram: @georginagio)